Scriptcs : Up & Running

02 May 2015

Last time we saw how we could get Scriptcs up and running. Before we go further, it would be nice to know what is going on.

Roslyn enabled in-memory compilation which means we can finally take loose C# code and start running with it. In code terms it means we can get rid of class Program public static void ....

We can valid C# statements and then move on to doing the real thing.

The code will get wrapped in a class and then get called. Since inner classes can't have namespaces we also don't get to use namespaces in scriptcs (not yet, but this restriction is likely to go away.)

> scriptcs
scriptcs (ctrl-c to exit or :help for help)
> :help
The following commands are available in the REPL:
:alias          Allows you to alias a command with a custom name
:cd             Changes the working directory to the path provided.
:clear          Clears the console window.
:cwd            Displays the current working directory.
:exit           Exits the REPL
:help           Shows this help.
:install        Installs a Nuget package. I.e. :install <package> <version>
:references     Displays a list of assemblies referenced from the REPL context.
:reset          Resets the REPL state. All local variables and member definitions are cleared.
:usings         Displays a list of namespaces imported into REPL context.
:vars           Displays a list of variables defined within the REPL, along with their types and values.

Scriptcs will by default load certain assemblies by default, we can check that out using :references. :usings will give us the currently loaded namespaces.

> :references

> :usings

We can now get on with the job of playing with the REPL. Let's declare a few variables.

> :clear
> var x = 42;
> var y =x ;
> Console.WriteLine(x); 

We can now look at the :vars and see what got stored.

> :vars
  "int x = 42",
  "int y = 42"

Next, we become a bit more productive by using the full power of the .net ecosystem.

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