Console2- Command Line Awesomeness

14 Apr 2013

  1. What is this ? Ever felt that the command prompt fall a little short of your expectations ? You want it to feel like the power toy and not just a tool.

  2. Where do I get it ? You can download it from here Console2

  3. Help me set it up .Scott's Originial Blog Post Refer to Scott Hansleman's blog post

Now, if you have successfully managed to get Console2 working note carefully what the last part in Scott's post said Console2 is a great little front-end for your existing shell, no matter what it is. Note that Console2 isn't a shell itself, it's just a face on whatever you are already using.

  1. Let's make the world a better place by adding Git Bash to the the tabs.

Title : GitBash

Icon : C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\git.ico

Shell : C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe --login -i

Startup dir : c:\Users\Ashutosh ( or whatever your path is )


All looks nice, the world is a better place.

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